Thursday, May 17, 2007

I didn't say that...

Years ago, when I was still in college, a foundation contacted me to possibly co-moderate their online support bulletin board.

I was very active and I guess helpful than. Today I was reminded again how glad I am that I never became a moderator. There are some people who are just exteremly opnionated, twists other people's words and takes offense when no one responds to their post.

She made a post which prompted people to respond the big brother/government conspiracy theory stuff.

She definatly twisted my words and clearly did not read what I wrote, or didn't understand what I wrote. I think it's the latter. All I did was present the other side, just facts and some simple logic. Yet, just because of a certain word was used it's automatically an argument against her 'cause'.

The sad thing about her fight is that if it goes wrong, it'll be at a child's expense.

I really want to respond back to her but a brick wall could hold a better conversation.

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