Sunday, April 29, 2007

Attention, attention passreoijf, flight number boijsdofoje...

Ok, people who can't speak clearly should not be operating the PA system at the airport. Or anywhere else for that matter.

Oh, I remember the days while waiting for the downtown 1 train at penn, I'd hear, Attention paawsangehs...reowir25r9iyrorwieiurw downtown, ijrwoeijriwejrwoj 14th street.fdjlksjfdksljf uptown...

Which was the secret phrase that menant "Will all the commuters please rush down the stairs to get onto the express platform... NOW"

I guess my flight is delayed. It's still grounded in DC, my destination. I should be boarding now. Bah.

Everytime I fly I realize how rediculously inefficient the 'security' is.

There were two TSA folks when I got to the security check point that checks your boarding pass/ID to wave you through the screeninng/xray area. The girl checked me. Green light. There was another lady fumbling for her stuff in her bag (Why anyone would put their ticket or ID before all the security screening is done is beyond me). Anyway, since a TSA agent has checked me, I just walked around the woman.

TSA dude: Uh,... Excuse me!
Monkey: Um, she checked me...
TSA dude: Oh...

Isn't it comforting that two TSA agents that are supposed to work together don't know what the other is doing or have done when they are only 5 ft away from eachother...? Than there was the time I walked out of my plane and walked back in w/o being checked. Yeah, I was checked-in already but I feel like I shouldn't have been able to just walk right in.

*yawn* My body is shutting down. I urh, forgot to sleep last night and I currently seem to be unable to regulate my body tempearture so I'm FREEZING. That used to happen when I was on my 48+ hours of being up. I have no idea how I used to pull all nighters for days in a row, get by with 2 - 4 hrs of sleep for weeks on end. I don't think I can do that now even if I was being paid to do that.

I'm about to board soon...

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